Filing Personal Injury Insurance Claims With An Accident Attorney

Were you involved in an accident where you were injured or suffered property damage? You may be able to file an insurance claim to obtain financial compensation for your injuries and other losses. Be aware that insurance adjustersā€“the ones deciding how much money you will receive or will be expected to payā€“are trained to minimize your payout. Insurance adjusters are not inherently bad people, but the fact remains that their employers concern themselves with one thing, and that is profit. As a result, your insurance adjuster cannot always be trusted to look out for you.

Attorney Damon C. Hopkins is an experienced insurance claim lawyer that has helped clients settle insurance claim disputes for over 21 years. Attorney Hopkins works hard to help his clients understand what is happening throughout the insurance claim process, and makes sure that you, the victim, receives a fair and timely compensation.

Understanding Types of Personal Injury Insurance Claims

There are two types of insurance claims you can file for: first-party claims, and third party claims. The type of claim you file for will depend on who was at fault in the accident, the type of accident that occurred, and the extent of your insurance coverage. If you caused an accident while driving, you should file a first party claim with your auto insurance provider. However, if you were hit by a vehicle while in the passenger seat or walking along the street, you can file a third party claim with the driver’s auto insurance. If you were injured while shopping in a store or eating at a restaurant, you can also file a third party claim with the business’ insurance company.

First Party Insurance Claims

A first party insurance claim is between the insurance company and the policyholder. These claims are contractual by nature and are contingent on the specific language of the insurance policy. A first party insurance claim, for example, could result from a homeowner suffering from fire damage. In this case, the homeowner will make a claim with their insurance company to cover the damage and repairs. The insurance company will compensate the homeowner according to the insurance policy. In order to make sure you understand what is in the policy agreement, call Damon Hopkins, a respected insurance claims lawyer in Erie, PA. Attorney Hopkins will fight to make sure you get every dollar that you deserve from insurance companies to compensate you for the pain, suffering, discomfort, lost wages, expenses, and aggravation that comes from being seriously hurt in an accident.

Third Party Insurance Claims

While a first party insurance claim is one you file with your own insurance company, a third party insurance claim is one you file with the insurance provider of another person or business. The insurance claim is made by someone who is not the policyholder or the insurance company. The most common type of third-party insurance claim are liability claims. For example, if you cause an accident on the highway and injure a passenger, that passenger can file a claim against your insurance company. In this case, because there is no contract between the insurance company and the injured passenger, the passenger is entitled to make claims for things that may not be covered under the insurance policy. Things such as:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Loss of Wages
  • Compensation for Pain and Suffering

A third party claim is commonly referred to as a liability claim because someone else is liable for the injuries suffered by the third party.

Before the insurance company offers you a first or third party settlement, the claims adjuster needs proof that the insured party was negligent, and that your injuries are severe enough to qualify for a settlement. The claims adjuster will investigate the facts of your case. To make sure your insurance claim isnā€™t denied and that you are getting an adequate amount for your settlement, call Damon C. Hopkins to evaluate your insurance claim.

Call Attorney Hopkinsā€“Car Accident & Insurance Claim Attorney

When an accident or some other incident causes an injury, in most situations, someone’s insurance coverage will apply to the situation. In that case, there’s a good chance that the injured person’s medical bills and other losses stemming from the accident will be fully paid for out of that coverage, up to the dollar limits of the policy. In many instances, an injury-related insurance claimā€“a first party or a third party insurance claimā€“resolves as a settlement agreement without a lawsuit ever getting filed. In other words, many more injury-related insurance claims are filed than actual court-based personal injury cases. But sometimes it isnā€™t always that easy.

Some clients believe that getting an attorney involved with insurance claims is something only done as a last resort due to potentially escalating the issue at hand. However, you should call an insurance claim attorney before or immediately after a claim has been reported. Involving an attorney can ensure that the claim is filed properly and that any adjustments have been made to avoid the need for litigation. An insurance claim lawyer like Damon C. Hopkins also evaluates insurance claims to prevent any wrongful denials of coverage.

Aside from personal injury insurance claims, Attorney Hopkins provides legal services for personal injury litigation. Personal injury litigation cases can occur from nearly any type of accident. Before accepting a case, accident attorney Damon Hopkins will learn the fine details of your situation and determine if you have grounds for pursuing legal action. If you have been hurt in an accident, through no fault of your own, you are entitled to seek financial compensation from the at-fault party. As your experienced injury attorney in Erie, North East, and Corry, PA., Damon C. Hopkins will fight to see that you receive the best recovery possible to compensate for your pain and suffering, medical bills, and lost wages.

Insurance Claim and Personal Injury FAQs

Can First Party Insurance Claimants File a Lawsuit?

Yes! Even though coverage under a first party insurance policy is specified in the contract, insurance companies do not always pay out everything they are required to by law. In the insurance industry, this is referred to as bad faith insurance practices.Ā  In the case of bad faith insurance practices, it is often necessary to file a lawsuit.

How Do I Know If I Have a Personal Injury Claim?

Whether a Personal Injury claim (a “tort”) exists is a matter of law. Four elements must be present for a personal injury insurance claim to exist:

  1. The “at-fault” person is under a duty to do or not to do something
  2. The “at-fault” person breaches that duty
  3. You suffer Damages
  4. Your Damages are the result of the “at-fault” person’s actions

I’m A Working Person, How Can I Afford An Attorney?

In most Personal Injury cases, an attorney will accept a case on a contingent fee basis.

What Is A Contingent Fee?

A fee is contingent when it is conditioned upon your attorney’s successfully resolution of your case. And is often referred to as: “No fee unless you win.” However, the client is generally responsible for the “out-of-pocket” costs of litigation.

Litigation Law

Litigation Law

Hopkins Law Erie – Litigation Attorney For Family Cases

Divorce | Custody | Property Division

Divorces, custody trials, PFA’s, and ICCā€™s are tricky areas when discussing the law. If you don’t have the right legal representation, you might get stuck with an excessive support order, be denied custody rights, or lose a significant amount of your assets including pensions and retirement funds.

Attorney Damon C. Hopkins has gained a reputation for being both a fighter and a fixer.
We understand that facing any of the above situations in family court is a scary and stressful time in your life. You need an attorney who cares about you and who can guide you through the Family court system. With over 27 years of experience litigating trials in Erie County, Attorney Hopkins is the lawyer you want and need for your family law case.

Call the office of Attorney Damon C. Hopkins to schedule an appointment today!

Family Law Litigation – The Court Based System

Traditionally, family law cases are litigated in court. Most people think Litigation is “the only way” to handle these issues. In Litigation, each person is represented by their own attorney, and the ultimate decision maker is a Judge or other court officer. Divorce, custody, and support cases are frequently handled through litigation. Some cases must be handled in the court system, such as PFAā€™s & ICCā€™s.

Using Litigation for Divorce, Custody, and Support Cases

Separation and divorce are governed by state law, not federal law, and every state is different when it comes to divorce law. Some states have formal separation proceedings that are different from divorce proceedings. Make sure your being represented correctly. Attorney Hopkins specializes in:

  • Separations

  • Divorces

  • Division of Marital Property

  • Support & Alimony

  • Custody

  • Prenuptial agreements

Separation, divorce, and premarital agreements all deal with money, but custody cases deal with the most important aspect of most peopleā€™s lives, their children. If you have tried to work things out with the other parent and have reached the point where you can no longer communicate, or feel you need the court to intervene, call Attorney Hopkins. When two parents cannot see eye to eye, it helps to have a lawyer like Damon C. Hopkins remaining objective and guiding you through the process.

With custody, even though the initial custody hearing is completed, there are milestones in your childā€™s life that will involve the other parent, in some cases, this will bring you back into the courtroom. When dealing with custody, it is essential to be guided through the process with someone who you trust and know is on your side. Attorney Hopkins looks at the big picture to provide guidance for many years to come.

Protection From Abuse Order (PFA)

PFA stands for a Protection From Abuse order. Typically when a spouse or loved one feels threatened or abused by another person they may seek the assistance of the courts by asking for a PFA, which is essentially a restraining order preventing a person from having any contact whatsoever with the “abused individual.” A PFA can be very dangerous to you; the court will give the abused individual an attorney for free, do not try to handle this matter on your own, talk to Attorney Hopkins before it’s too late.

Indirect Criminal Contempt (ICC)

ICC stands for Indirect Criminal Contempt. If you have a PFA against you and have been accused of violating it, the police will charge you with an ICC. A conviction for an ICC will likely mean jail time. If you have been charged with violating a PFA order, call Attorney Hopkins immediately and discuss the best way to proceed.

Traffic Violations

Traffic Violations

Traffic Violations and Appeals Attorney In Erie, PA

Speeding Tickets | Expired Inspection Stickers | Other Traffic Violations

Most people know that traffic violations carry a fine for offenses such as speeding, running a stop light or stop sign, and expired inspection stickers but there are also more serious offenses such as driving with a suspended license which carries an automatic 90 days in jail. Whatever traffic violations you find yourself facing, Damon C. Hopkins can help. Traffic violations don’t just bring expensive fines and costs; they can also carry points on your driver’s license and sometimes suspensions of your license. If you don’t know what you’re facing it can be disastrous, and the police don’t have to tell you.

Call Attorney Hopkinsā€™ office today for a free evaluation of your case.

Speeding Tickets, Expired Inspections, and Other Traffic Violations

If you are cited for careless driving, you will get three points on your license. Once you reach 6 or more points, you have to attend PennDOTā€™s safe driving school or you lose your license. If you get 11 or more points, your licence is taken away permanently. If you were instead cited for reckless driving, where there were no points added to your license but you were given a fine, you might think the officer was helping you out. However, a few weeks later a notice would come in the mail telling you that your license was going to be suspended for three months. People get tricked like this all the time, donā€™t let it happen to you.

Points on your license can raise your insurance and eventually lead to suspensions. Getting caught driving while suspended will cause even more consequences, such as longer suspensions or jail time. Traffic violations are severe and can cost you a lot of money in the long run. When you take an experienced attorney with you to traffic court, you have the best chance possible to avoid costly points, fines, and suspensions. Attorney Hopkins has been handling traffic cases for over 27 years.

Speeding Tickets

Speeding tickets are a common example of traffic violations Attorney Hopkins can help you fight. Consulting with an experienced traffic violation lawyer can help you get speeding tickets reduced, or even dismissed. Fighting for your rights, Attorney Hopkins can minimize possible points and fines that may result from speeding tickets.

Expired Inspections

Consulting with a traffic violation lawyer can help you lessen the consequences from a ticket for an expired inspection. Talking with a traffic violation attorney can offer you guidance in how to reduce points, fines, or even dismiss the ticket against you. Contact Attorney Hopkins today to get help with your expired inspection traffic violation.

Other Traffic Violations

From forgetting to flick on your turn signal to failure to stop at a red light, a traffic violation lawyer can help reduce the consequences. No matter how minor it may seem, Attorney Hopkins can help you deal with any potential points or fines you may be facing.


So you went it alone, got convicted, and maybe even got your license suspended? It may not be too late for you. Call Attorney Damon C. Hopkins right away; if your case is less than 30 days old, we can file an appeal from your conviction and your PennDOT license suspension, so we can handle it correctly. As a traffic violation attorney, Damon C. Hopkins may still be able to save you the costs, fines, points, and suspensions.

Get treated with the respect you deserve in combination with the representation you need.

Types of DUI Charges in Pennsylvania & How to Handle Them

In Pennsylvania, there are three different levels to a DUI charge based upon the number of offenses one has received. DUI offenses are broken down into three different categories for sentencing:

  1. General impairmentĀ 
  2. High rate
  3. Highest rate

General ImpairmentĀ 

General impairment DUIs involve drivers with a BAC of at least .08%, but less than .10%.

Ā  1st Offense

(Ungraded Misdemeanor)

2nd Offense

(Ungraded Misdemeanor)

3rd Offense

(Second Degree Misdemeanor)

4th Offense

(Third Degree Felony)

Jail / Probation 6 months of probation 5 days to 6 months of jail 10 days to 2 years jail 1 to 7 years jail
Fines $300 $300 to $2,500 $500 to $5,000 $1,500 to $10,000
License Suspension None 12 months 12 months 18 months

High Rate DUIs

High rate DUIs involve drivers with a BAC of at least .10%, but less than .16%. They are also applicable for drivers who are operating a commercial vehicle while inebriated under the age of 21, as well as those who have caused an accident resulting in injury, property damage, or death while inebriated.

Ā  1st Offense

(Ungraded Misdemeanor)

2nd Offense

(Ungraded Misdemeanor)

3rd Offense

(First Degree Misdemeanor)

4th Offense

(Third Degree Felony)

Jail 48 hours to 6 months 30 days to 6 months 90 days to 5 years 1 to 7 years
Fines $500 to $5,000 $750 to $5,000 $1,500 to $10,000 $2,500 to $10,000
License Suspension 12 months 12 months 18 months 18 months

Highest Rate DUIs

Highest rate DUIs include offenses where the driver had a BAC of .16% or higher, refused breathalyzer testing in violation of the stateā€™s implied consent law, or had controlled substances in their system.



1st Offense

(Ungraded Misdemeanor)

2nd Offense

(First Degree Misdemeanor)

3rd Offense

(Third Degree Felony)

4th Offense

(Third Degree Felony)

JailĀ  72 hours to 6 months 90 days to 5 years 1 to 7 years 1 to 7 years
Fines $1,000 to $5,000 $1,500 to $10,000 $2,500 to $10,000 $2,500 to $10,000
License Suspension 12 months 18 months 18 months 18 months

What Happens to First-Time DUI Offenders in Pennsylvania?

If you are a first-time offender in Pennsylvania, your DUI will most likely be a misdemeanor and will not affect your life the way a felony offense would. If youā€™re pulled over on drunk driving suspicion, youā€™ll most likely have to submit to a field sobriety test. This test will be a major factor in determining whether or not youā€™ll be arrested. If probable cause is established by the officer that pulls you over, you will be taken into custody, processed, and asked to do an official BAC (blood alcohol content) test. Pennsylvania is an implied consent state, meaning that if you are arrested for driving under the influence, you are required to do a blood, breath, or urine test. Refusing such tests will result in a license suspension.Ā 

Why Do I Need A DUI Lawyer?

Following the initial arrest, you will be sent a court summons that will explain when and where to appear for your preliminary hearing. This is when you should seek the help of a DUI lawyer. A DUI lawyer can look at the evidence that is available and give you advice on whether or not it is likely your case will go to trial, as well as how you should plead.

It is rather difficult for someone with no experience or training to know what to do in a legal situation. A lack of trail skills and legal knowledge can bring you a large disadvantage in court. This is why hiring a DUI attorney to help navigate your case is in your best interest. Hiring DUI/DWI defense attorney Hopkins will ensure that you can go into the courtroom with confidence regarding your trial.

A DUI lawyer can also lead you in the direction of potentially getting your DUI expunged. For most first-time offenders, the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) is a way in which defendants can earn a dismissal of their DUI charge. A first time DUI offender may petition the District Attorneyā€™s Office for admittance into the ARD Program. Within the program, the offender is first placed under supervision before undergoing drug and alcohol evaluation, serving a period of probation, and likely receiving a license suspension for a period of time. Upon the completion of the probation period, the case is dismissed and your criminal record is expunged. Although not every defendant is eligible for the ARD Program, it provides a way for offenders to resolve their drunk driving charges.


Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense Attorney- Erie, PA

DUI/DWI | Drug Offenses | Juvenile Charges | Traffic Violations | ARDā€™S | Other Criminal Offenses

At the office of attorney Damon C. Hopkins, we uphold the interests of the accused. In representing juveniles, adults, and families in trouble, we work with good people who have just made a bad mistake. If youā€™ve been charged with a DUI, Drug charges, or something more severe and are located in Erie County, including Edinboro, North East, Corry, Girard, and other surrounding townships, criminal defense attorney, Damon C. Hopkins can help.

At our firm, we understand that good people sometimes make bad choices. For more information or to schedule an appointment Call Us.

Full-Service Criminal Defense Lawyer

Attorney Damon C. Hopkins is a former prosecutor, providing him a unique insight into the process of criminal defense. He can view your case from all angles and plan the best possible line of defense. With more than 27 years of trial experience, both as a prosecutor and a defense lawyer, he is prepared to assist you in any criminal case and helps to protect peopleā€™s civil rights. Attorney Hopkins handles every type of criminal case, including serious felonies and misdemeanors, DUIā€™s, drug offenses, juvenile charges, and even traffic offenses.

Defense Attorney Hopkins Handles Every Type of Criminal Case



Consequences for drunk driving, also known as DWI and DUI are serious. If convicted, you could be confronted with incarceration, license suspension, inability to be insured, fines, and court costs. If you are looking for a DUI/DWI attorney -for either your first offence, an underage DUI, or worse- Damon C. Hopkins will guarantee your rights are protected.

Drug Offenses

Drug cases, especially those involving meth, marijuana and prescription medications, seem to be on the rise. Whether you or a loved one is the subject of an ongoing drug investigation, have been arrested, or have received drug charges in the mail, you are entitled to seek the advice of a drug offense attorney.

Juvenile Charges

There are significant differences in procedure and philosophy in the juvenile system as opposed to the adult criminal system. You need an experienced juvenile criminal defense attorney who practices in juvenile criminal court. Most criminal attorneys do not routinely handle juvenile criminal matters. Attorney Hopkins handles these cases frequently and can offer a strong strategy to avoid harsh consequences, making him the right juvenile criminal lawyer for your needs.

Traffic Violations

Traffic violations donā€™t only carry the expensive fines and costs; they can also bring points on your driverā€™s license and sometimes suspensions of your driverā€™s license. If you donā€™t know what youā€™re facing it can be disastrous, and the police donā€™t have to tell you. Whatever traffic violations you find yourself facing, traffic violation attorney Damon C. Hopkins can help.

Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition(ARD)

Many first-time offenders may be eligible for an Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition (ARD). In ARD, the accused does not admit guilt, but instead agrees to pay fines, restitution, and serve a term of probation. In exchange for abiding by the requirements of the ARD program, the accused can earn a complete dismissal of the criminal charges. Consulting Damon C. Hopkins, an ARD attorney, will be the right decision for you.

Other Crimes and Offenses

Criminal Defense Attorney Hopkins has handled every kind of criminal case from First Degree Death Penalty Homicides to Summary Traffic Offenses. All criminal offenses are categorized as either a Felony(1,2,or3), Misdemeanor(1,2,or3), or a Summary. Attorney Hopkins can help you defend against any criminal offense no matter how severe or how minor it may seem.